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Worst Movies of 2010

Worst Movies of 2010

We've all seen them; movies that made you walk right out of the theater, or wish you had. Incomprehensible plots, shabby acting and wobbly handed direction....sometimes films that even take home an Oscar or two but leave you thinking why, oh why? How is it that nobody else noticed this turkey walking about in disguise? This site is dedicated to all of those films.... and even a few good ones. This is the worst movies blog. Lets get this started with our first post

This list of the worst movies is by Microsoft Movies blog: Worst movies of 2010 so far.

10. The back up plan:
The back up plan

Ok so lets start off with the 10th worst movie of 2010. It is the "break up plan" staring Jennifer Lopez. So Jennifer Lopez has a lot of stuff on her mind and she has no time to read the scripts and making a movie after 3 years and not reading the script is not such a good idea. That is what ruined the movie: The bad script. The whole story was just junk. If you don't think so then the comments are open for you.

9. The Bounty Hunter:
The bounty Hunter
So you want an even worse film! No problem we have got it for you : The Bounty Hunter is even worse then The back up plan.The perhaps star-crossed couple whose components are both crazy about each other and drive each other crazy has been a staple of Hollywood romantic comedies for about as long as there have been Hollywood romantic comedies.The bounty hunter stars Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston. Ah Butler should just not fall into romantic comedy films. He will have to do two action films to make up for this lame romantic comedy mess!

8. Clash of the Titans
Clash of the titans
And it keeps on getting worse!! On number 8 comes Clash of the titans! Here's what the critics say about this movie:
In his classic tale of mortal rage and divine folly "Medea," Euripides tells us, "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad." After watching "Clash of the Titans," director Louis Leterrier's modern revamp of the 1981 stop-motion special-effects bonanza, I think there's a new-Hollywood spin on Euripides' maxim: Whom the gods would destroy, they first translate their movie into 3-D in post-production. "Clash of the Titans" was not shot in 3-D or for 3-D, and was notoriously extruded into the third dimension in post-production by outsourced effects companies.
  Bad! These remakes are always bad!

7. Cop Out
Cop out

Director-for-hire Kevin Smith; screenwriters by Robb Cullen and Mark Cullen are no doubt the guilty ones for this!!! Kevin Smith has his fans but his films are not understandable for most.

"Cop Out" is just as funny as you'd expect it to be. That sounds vague and unhelpful, but what it means is that the movie doesn't have the power of persuasion. If you have your suspicions about a "Lethal Weapon"-style buddy movie starring Tracy Morgan and Bruce Willis, respectively, as an earnestly foolish cop and his cool and competent partner, they will be confirmed. If this sounds like a recipe for hilarity to you, then you'll likely enjoy yourself. Stirring fresh passions isn't the point of "Cop Out." It just wants to remind audiences of something they've enjoyed before, like looking at an old photo album.
 Not only the direction but yes the screenplay was a bad one too.

6. (tie) 'The Great Directors' / 'Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel'
Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel
Hahaha I love it when two movies have a tie! Both these movies are flops. Directors Angela Ismailos ("Great Directors") and Brigitte Berman ("Hefner") are the guilty parties.
You already know why these are on number 6.
  Meta-critic score for these movies is:

Great Directors: 49

Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel: 55

5. Grown Ups
Grown Ups
Guilty parties: Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade, Rob Schneider. Grown ups was much anticipated but still not good. A lot of people went to watch it but it just didn't quite work out. Years from now, when future generations want to know exactly how idiotic, insipid and insulting the worst of early 21st-century pop culture could be -- whether they ride hover cars or mutant cockroaches, whether they dine on food pills or each other -- they will simply have to watch a copy of "Grown Ups," the latest film from Adam Sandler.
Poor Sandler!

4. The Last Airbender
The last airbender
Likely the death knell for Shyamalan's planned "Airbender" trilogy. Its name was changed from Avatar to The last air bender because of Cameron's destructive "Avatar" movie. M. Night Shyamalan is the only guilty one here. The cartoons were so much better (seriously). Who will watch the next part now after such criticism:
The actual title of the incomprehensible, pretentious, dramatically inert new movie written, directed and produced by M. Night Shyamalan is "The Last Airbender," but I prefer to think of it as "The Last Chance." As in, his last chance to convince me he has any skills as a filmmaker.
3. The Last Song
Last song
Hey we are in the top 3 worst movies already and you wouldn't like this if you are a Hannah Montana fan! Yes they would like every movie by Miley Cyrus. Cyrus herself said that she will be hiring an acting coach after this!! 
According to a recent interview in USA Today, the one-man best-seller factory Nicholas Sparks wrote "The Last Song" for Miley Cyrus, tailoring the tragedy-tinged summer romance to the Disney teen queen's desires. Cyrus told the reporter she even got to pick a name for her character, and chose Ronnie in homage to her grandfather. It's like Dante and Beatrice all over again, with the Georgia coast standing in for Paradise. Let's imagine the other notes Cyrus might have given Sparks.
 Here grandfather would be proud! Guess what the rolling stone magazine gave this a 0 rating out of 100.

2. Sex and the City 2
Sex and the city

Almost the worst but not quite. Guilty parties: Writer-director Michael Patrick King; the country of Morocco; anyone who forked over money for the first movie! According to Kathleen Murphy:
"It was so cheesy, but I loved it!" gushed a twentysomething exiting the preview of "Sex and the City 2." She wasn't alone. The hyped-up ladies at the screening seemed charmed by every minute of the continuing saga of Carrie Bradshaw and her Manhattan posse. And how could this designer-label flick not warm the cockles of any girly-girl hot for sorority-sister drama, drag-queen couture, and high-camp fantasy? I mean, it's a no-brainer.
 It got a 39 lowest rating out of 100 in meta critics.

1. Furry Vengeance
Furry Vengeance
 ...And the Oscar goes to.... Fury vengeance!!
 One of the worst family movie of the decade!!!
Guilty parties: Brendan Fraser; any child who wheedled someone into taking him or her to this unbearable movie
A film so exhausting in its mean-spirited unfunny business that it would prompt Al Gore to empty his recycling bin and light a match to the contents -- and the plastic bin itself -- in full view of news camera crews.
 Fewer talking animal movies in the near future! Otherwise the Oscar will come towards the director.

Tell us what you liked and what you didn't. The comments are opened if you think there should be any changes in the list! And yes i almost forgot: Which movie do you think is the worst of 2010?--Worst Movies

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We've all seen them; movies that made you walk right out of the theater, or wish you had. Incomprehensible plots, shabby acting and wobbly handed direction....sometimes films that even take home an Oscar or two but leave you thinking why, oh why? How is it that nobody else noticed this turkey walking about in disguise? This site is dedicated to all of those films.... and even a few good ones. Welcome to Worst Movies

The following Movies were nominated for the oscars. Which do you think was the worst?

The worst movies of 2010 so far

  • Furry Vengeance
  • Grown Ups
  • Sex and the City 2
  • The Last Airbender
  • The Last Song



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